About President & Founder



My name is Tetty Henney Zulkifli. I was born & raised up in Petaling Jaya Selangor. I am a wife and a mother of 4 grown up children. I have two grandsons and now settling in Gombak, Selangor.

I am the Founder and the President of WIGTA or Persatuan Wanita Dalam Urus Tadbir Teknologi Malaysia or well-known as WIGTA(Women in Governance & Technology Association of Malaysia). The association is established in 2016 registered with PPM-15-10-26102016 as a non government organization and a non profit organization. WIGTA focuses on providing platform for women and girls to achieve success in life, family and career.

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Tetty Henney Smart Saver
Tetty Henney Therapy Solutions
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Little Change Can Create Big Impact

I am the Founding President of Persatuan Wanita Dalam Urustadbir & Teknologi Malaysia | Women in Governance & Technology Association of Malaysia (WIGTA)

I started utilizing the internet since the history of this communication medium started in Malaysia in the early 90s.

It is a wonderful journey, path and life phases I come across. From geocities.com till present google.com, I have thoroughly learned about the technology transformation and innovation. I started using yahoo.com as tools of electronic mails and networking plus blogspot.com to publicise my small and medium enterprise.

Technology moves rapidly. As a woman in mid 50s this year I have reformed myself from a person using paper and pen in 1994 to becoming smartphones addiction for business, work and networking purposes this year, 2023.

The passion in education, technology children and women have brought me this far. Alhamdulillah, I am blessed to witness the technology transformation which involves me, my spouse, my children and country that I live now.

I love to see changes. Thus, sharing new ideas, policies, decision, digital communication and technology with the society and network is my dream.

2023 is my lucky year. My biography will be published in the encyclopedia called ‘Successful People in Malaysia 5th Edition’. Finally my services since 1991 in the community work is recognized and honored. Appreciation goes to my husband, children and parents. I thank all who have worked with me and support our collaboration under the flag of WIGTA.

Thank you for the honor and recognition, Britishpedia!

Care to drop us few words and comments. If you feel like changes can benefit you, family and people you love, share them with me, by joining WIGTA!

Updated by Admin: 6/6/24

Basking in the glory of her award-winning journey!

During Award Giving Ceremony for Successful People in Malaysia 2023 & Signing a MOU for Successful People in Malaysia 2023

2019 Graduation Day at Dewan Tunku Canselor University Malaya

Captured Moments with Beloved Parents

Madam Hajah Tetty Henney Zulkifli, President & Founder during launching MSU 2019 Environment Sustainability Projects (MESP) & SDG Partner Award Ceremony at Dewan Canselor MSU, Shah Alam.

Collaboration with Japanese SME Company and Matrade (Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation)

Collaboration with Korean SME Company and Matrade (Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation)

Invitation to “Doing business with Venezuela 2010” and Appointment for the business roundtables with our Venezuelan & Matrade business delegates.

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