2023 Activities

One Caring Heart Malaysia Orphanage Charity 2023

YBrs Madam Tetty Henney Zulkifli WIGTA President and Founder was invited to a charity event for a good cause with Puan Sri Dr Susan Cheah, One Caring Heart Malaysia President and Founder.

The ceremony has invited YB Dato Sri Nancy Shukri Minister Women, Family & Community Development as Guest of Honor. Event was held at Grand Ballroom Sunway Resort, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia on 14 January 2023, 6pm-10pm.

Kind Malaysia 2023

Women in Governance & Technology Association of Malaysia (WIGTA) has been invited to participate in Kind Malaysia 2023. Below are the details of our booth participation. The WIGTA booth was represented by WIGTA SME Entrepreneurs who showcased their products and services during the two days of exhibition.

Booth No: 5012, Hall 5, Mitec Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2 & 3 March 2023.

Ai Socialisation: Gender Inclusion and Women Empowerment in Malaysia 2023

Artificial Intelligence is integral to Southeast Asia’s digital future and is forecasted to contribute up to 1 Trillion to the Asean economy by 2030. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Regional Office for Asia and The Pacific has joint efforts with Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), MIMOS Berhad and Ministry of Communications and Digital (MCD) to organize the meeting.
Madam Tetty Henney Zulkifli, President & Founder was invited to event. The meeting has taken place in Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 15th March 2023 : 830am-2pm.

Comprehensive Pilot Program – System Integrity Corporate Malaysia (CISM) 2023

Malaysian Institute of Integrity just held a Comprehensive Pilot Program on the Malaysian Corporate Integrity System (CISM) on 21 and 22 March 2023 (Tuesday and Wednesday) at the Malaysian Institute of Integrity (IIM). This course is implemented for all companies that have completed the CISM program and received a CISM participation certificate throughout the year 2022. This review course is held with the aim of strengthening the understanding and implementation of CISM in the company. In addition, through this course it is also hoped that the implementation of CISM will be carried out continuously with full commitment by the top management of the company.

Persatuan Wanita Dalam Urustadbir & Teknologi Malaysia (WIGTA) has successfully developed and carried out the seven initiatives by CISM based on the checklist, reviewing & updating the status of the intiatives until achieving the 100 percent of achievement scores from IIM.

Madam Tetty Henney Zulkifli, President & Founder was invited to represent WIGTA. The course was held at Dewan Murni, Institut Integrity Malaysia (IIM), on 21 & 22 March 2023.


YBRS Puan Hajah Tetty Henney Zulkifli, President and Founder telah dijemput untuk turut sama menyertai sesi diskusi majlis. Sidang diskusi telah menyaksikan isteri Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail merasmi dan menyempurnakan penyampaian Surat Pelantikan Ahli Majlis Wanita dan Keluarga Negara. Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, berkata sebagai penanda aras, KPWKM melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif, antaranya peruntukan Geran Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak kepada Wanita untuk Kembali Bekerja yang mana 80 peratus nilai gaji diinsuranskan sebagai galakan golongan wanita kembali bekerja. Sehubungan dengan wawasan, WIGTA menyokong penuh usahasama berterusan antara dua hala yang sedang dan akan dicapai.

Tarikh         :   29 Ogos 2023 (Selasa)

Masa          :   2.00 petang – 5.00 petang

Tempat      :   Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur

Perasmi     :   YABhg. Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Dr. Wan Ismail

International Women Leaders Peace Meeting

This year WIGTA is represented by our woman respresentative . We are fortunate to be together with other peace families to discuss about the future of our women leaders in peace making. Amongst the points of disscussion are:

Guidance for Discussion Sessions

1. How does women’s leadership bring unique perspectives and approaches to peacebuilding?

– How have you personally experienced or observed women’s leadership making a difference in peacebuilding efforts?

– In what ways do women leaders approach negotiations, mediation, and conflict resolution differently from their male counterparts?

2. What role can women leaders play in addressing the root causes of conflicts, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, to achieve sustainable peace?

– How you are working on issues such as poverty, inequality and environmental degradation

3. In shaping a peaceful world, what innovative strategies do you envision as a women leader?

– How can women leaders collaborate across borders and cultures to promote global peace and understanding?

– What innovative approaches do you believe can effectively prevent conflicts from escalating?


‘International Women Leaders Peace Meeting’

Topic: The Future of Women’s Leadership for a Peaceful World

Date & Time: Saturday, 19th August 2023 Saturday, 6pm MYT

Online via Zoom (Link shall be given upon confirmation of attendance)


WIGTA is very concerned about the health aspects of women and girls. Thus we support the efforts made by various parties in empowering women to maintain health. This year, our Corporate Member Ms Nurfahanim Mohamed Latif has joint the discussion which was organized by Majlis Belia India Malaysia that took place via online. WIGTA hope that both of us shall come to a close collaboration very soon. We are sharing the issue on our Youtube Channel, to view follow the link at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2eAnMPvyys


Date : 21st October 2023

Time : 8.00 pm

Platform : Facebook live



YBRS Puan Tetty Henney Zulkifli telah dijemput untuk menyertai persidangan Malaysia Strategic Trade Summit 2023 pada 23hb hingga 26 Oktober 2023 di Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Untuk pengetahuan persidangan melibatkan Tiga (3) program seperti berikut:

              i.          Industry Outreach on Strategic Trade (IOST) – 23 Oktober 2023

a.   IOST merupakan wacana perbincangan mengenai aktiviti perdagangan strategik yang disampaikan oleh wakil Kerajaan serantau, industri dan para akademia. Peserta akan dikongsikan dengan perkembangan terbaru dan trend semasa bagi topik kawalan perdagangan termasuk perundangan perdagangan strategik, peraturan kastam, amalan pematuhan terbaik, pemindahan teknologi strategik, maklumat sekatan ekonomi terkini dan topik khusus berkaitan keselamatan rantaian bekalan.

b.     Kemuncak bagi IOST adalah perasmian MySTS 2023 oleh YB Menteri MITI; dan pengenalan kepada Malaysia Strategic Trade Control Community (MYSTCC).

               ii.            2nd Women in Strategic Trade Forum (WiST) – 24 Oktober 2023

Penganjuran WiST diadakan khusus untuk mengiktiraf dan meraikan sumbangan serta pencapaian tokoh wanita di dalam  STM.   Matlamat forum ini adalah untuk menggiat dan membangun keupayaan golongan profesional di kalangan wanita  termasuk generasi yang akan datang dalam bidang STM.

             iii.         3rd Southeast Asian Forum on Export Controls (SEAFEC) – 25 – 26 Oktober 2023

 SEAFEC  merupakan platform penting dalam menyelaras kawalan perdagangan strategik di rantau Asia Tenggara. Forum ini menggalakkan pembangunan dasar, yang harmoni, mengenalpasti jurang dan meningkatkan kerjasama serantau dalam STM di kalangan negara ASEAN.


In conjunction The World Sight Day 2023, WIGTA was invited as one of the Co Partners for the campaign that was held at the Boulevard Berjaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur from 27 – 29 October 2023. The objective of the campaign is to create the awareness and understand the importance of our eye-sight to the public and the prevention of the onset of eye diseases.

Mesyuarat Kecil Ahli Jawatankuasa WIGTA Tahun 2022/2023 

Agenda: Mesyuarat Kecil Ahli Jawatankuasa WIGTA

Tarikh: 31 Disember 2023

Waktu: 5pm – 6pm

Lokasi: Zoom Meeting

Objektif: Mengukuhkan silaturahim sesama ahli jawatankuasa serta menyampaikan ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2024.

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